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RHEL 9 - Install instructions

The following methods are currently available to install RHEL 9

  • AIMS interactive - select the menu item Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL9) x86_64 or Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL9) aarch64
  • AIMS host registration - define your host to use the RHEL9_X86_64 or RHEL9_AARCH64
  • OpenStack VM - boot from the image RHEL9 - x86_64 or RHEL9 - aarch64
  • ai-bs puppet managed VM - use ai-bs --rhel9

For a detailed installation of a Linux Desktop, check the step by step guide

Software repositories

Install software repository definitions on a RHEL9 previously-installation done without using our kickstart/image, by running as root:

# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel9.repo

You may also want to consider adding the 'CERN' repository

# dnf --repofrompath='tmpcern,$releasever/CERN/$basearch/' install redhat-release --nogpgcheck

Direct download: rhel9.repo and rhel9-cern.repo.